Falmer Village Facilities

Falmer farm shop. Open Monday to Saturday 8:30-5pm.

The Swan pub. Freehouse. Landlord Martin Gapper. Closed Mondays. 01273 681842.

St Laurence Church Falmer. Please visit their website.

Falmer Village Hall. Booking officer Melanie Cutress, melaniecutress@yahoo.co.uk.

German language nursery. Please visit their website.

Falmer Parish Council. Meets every two months. Dates advertised on this website. All meetings open to the public. Chair Melanie Cutress, melaniecutress@yahoo.co.uk.

Short mat bowls club meets Monday afternoons 2pm. Ladies group meets the second Tuesday of each month 7.30pm. Contact Jill Burt, g70osh@gmail.com.

Falmer Village Facilities